Saturday, February 2, 2013

A whole new world!

That’s what my new living accommodations feel like!

I haven’t written a post in a while because Rose and I have been in the process of moving out of the homestay situation – after a month of living with the Panamanian family, we decided that we needed a better place to stay for the rest of our months here.  Living at the homestay was extremely uncomfortable for many reasons, and my feelings about it can be summed up by the following charming moment from Step Brothers:
Happily those days are done.
Instead, Rose and I moved into a Villa located in the City of Knowledge (which, fun fact, used to be an old U.S. military base back in the day).  Living in the Villa is the exact opposite of the homestay from hell: we now have our own bedroom and bathroom, a dining area, kitchen living room, even an extra bedroom!  It’s more space than we really need, but I’m not complaining!  The water is more warm than hot, but it’s a much improved temperature over the frigid showers we enjoyed during our first month.  The real blessing about the Villa is the air conditioning – I can’t even believe we went so long without it!! Life is so much more pleasant with AC, Rose and I don’t want to die as soon as we wake up every morning anymore!  We’re only in our second day in the Villa, but we are already loving life!
We have oranges watermelon papaya cantaloupe apples cucumbers tomatoes pickles lettuce peppers and granola bars!
(We didn't eat the most quality of foods while at the homestay so I am now VERY HAPPY!)
YUM breakfast - half a papaya and granola bar!
This clusterfuck that was the daily breakfast.
 My bed!
The unused bed
Each room - there are 3 - has 2 beds, so in total we have 4 unused beds.
(Great math, Leia!)
 Closet space - I don't have to live out of my suitcases anymore!!
El baño
We went shopping yesterday evening to get our food and living necessities, and of course a bottle of wine to share to celebrate the move!  This is my first time really living in my own place – and in a foreign country nonetheless – and I’m loving the independence!  The Villa is about a 25ish minute walk to the FSU building, and 15ish to the strip of restaurants and stores in the C of K.  I’m feeling very positive about the rest of my time here in Panama!
The new neighborhood
Life is good!



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