Sunday, January 20, 2013

Home (far) away from home

I’ve been in Panama for almost two and a half weeks now – whoa!  At times when I feel as though I’ve  been here for a long time already I have to remind myself that it will be months before I begin my journey back to the States, to return to a much more enjoyable summer than the one I am experiencing here.  Apparently I arrived just in time for a rare heat wave, so even the Panamanians aren’t entirely used to this heat; it’s not uncommon for the humidity to make it feel like it’s close to 100 degrees during most days!

So, you can imagine that it’s rough to spend a lot of time either being outside is this weather or sitting in my un-air conditioned room in Curundu.  I rather dislike constantly feeling sticky and gross, but it comes with the territory here.  As such I’ve developed a great appreciation for an air conditioned building or vehicle (you really hit the jackpot when you get a taxi with AC). 

Here are some pictures of the homestay house I live in: 
Just inside the front door - welcome!
The front room (never inhabited)
The kitchen (super hot all the time)
The room and I share with Rose - her bed is on the left, mine has the tan sheets.
We share that dresser, the other side of the room has a small closet and our suitcases (which we still live out of and will be living out of for our time here - it's a small room) and general messiness.
It's always hot as hell in here.
A view from the back door of the table we eat at on the daily
Another view of the table.
The wall behind is the part of the house undergoing some construction.
The washing machine.
A real pain - using it requires using a hose to fit it up with water from that sink three times, first with only water, second with detergent, third with softener or whatever.  Seems to be a real waste of water.
View from the back of the house
The laundry set up.
(The family offered to do my laundry for me, but I don't like to feel taken care of to that extent - I've been doing my own laundry for years, I feel like it's my responsibility.  I don't like to feel 'waited upon.')

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