Sunday, March 10, 2013

Halfway Through

Today marks the halfway point for me on this journey.  I fly home in exactly two months (which  I quite eagerly looking forward too!), and it feels as though I’ve been in this Latin country for so much longer than just a couple of months.   

It’s been a little while since I’ve written anything for the blog – sorry!  But to be honest, nothing that amazingly interesting has happened recently, so I haven’t felt that inspired to post anything and risk boring...I’ve been in my routine of going to the gym, attending classes, doing my studies, and bouncing around my Panama community – just living day by day.

I’ve been meeting new people and getting to know more Panamanians around my age, which has been really lovely.  It’s so interesting to talk to my new friends about their lives here, what their goals are in the short and long term, and their perceptions on the rest of the U.S. and the rest of the world.  It has also been awesome to hang out with locals who know the area and some great places to go!  They took us to Calle Uruguay a couple weekends ago, which is the street in Panama City that has the best nightlife.  Last night we went bowling and then to an Irish Pub in in the city, La Rana Dorada; it was nice to be with a group of young people, watching a soccer game on the television, and enjoying an evening out – I’m young, this is what I’m supposed to be doing!  I think that these new friends will help my final months here go by a bit quicker, and with more happiness.

I don’t have many new photos to share, but here is one of a tiny tiny lizard that lives in the villa (with a Chapstick for a size reference):
We call him Prederick.
He has a wonderful personality.

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